Drilling for oil & gas is coming to Sydney’s beaches. Join us to stop PEP11!


Gas & Oil Drilling off the coast of Sydney? PEP OFF!


We don’t want oil & gas drilling off the coast of Sydney – join the call to Stop PEP11! 

Our climate crisis is caused by burning more fossil fuels, so when we got word that fossil fuel companies were planning to drill for oil & gas off the coast from Manly to Newcastle, we joined in on the fight to say PEP OFF! 

PEP-11 stands for Petroleum Exploration Permit 11—a sneaky way of saying a licence to drill for oil and gas from Manly to Newcastle. If fossil fuel companies are allowed to drill our ocean, an oil spill or gas leak could destroy our coastline, our lifestyle and livelihoods. Our beaches, communities, local economies, and one of the world’s largest whale migration routes, are all at risk but together, we can stop PEP-11! 

Take action - Sign Surfrider Foundation’s STOP PEP 11 petition here


Who are The Surfrider Foundation Australia?

People surfing

Ben & Jerry’s are partnering with the epic team at Surfrider Foundation in their fight to stop PEP11 and prevent oil and gas drilling off our coast. Surfrider Foundation is a not-for-profit sea-roots organisation dedicated to the protection of Australia’s waves and beaches through conservation, activism, research and education.

Passionate about protecting oceans, waves and beaches? You’re in good company! Find out more about Surfrider Foundation here.


Why is PEP11 such a threat?

Oil Rig

PEP11 is a threat to our coastline, but also to our planet because we know we need to stop all new oil and gas projects if we are going to prevent the worst effects of climate change. These plans are part of the Government's billion dollar plan to blow tax-payer dough on new gas fields and projects. If this goes ahead, the drilling could have serious negative impacts on the health of the coastline and the marine animals that live there. And it’s not just the coast that will be impacted – we know opening up new gas projects spells disaster for our climate and our future. 

But we can stop this from happening! Read up how we can stop this here.