Which Famous Ben & Jerry's Chunk Are You?



chunksWho knew a defunct sense of smell would have been so instrumental in the making of an ice cream legend? It sounds absurd, but all of those chunky, chewy, chocolatey, cookie-ey chunks nestled into our ice cream first came about because Ben (yep, THAT Ben) has NO sense of smell. I know, I know; it’s nose-boggling stuff, especially considering it affected his ability to taste. So, back in the beginning, because he couldn’t taste the flavours, he suggested to Jerry that they throw the biggest, chunkiest chunks they could find into the ice cream just so he could get some ‘mouth feel.’ Bonkers, huh?

Fast forward 40 years and spooning into a tub of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream without the pleasure of that iconic chunk experience would be like arriving at your surprise birthday party to a backdrop of sad elevator music. It’d be like traveling to Paris only to discover that the Eiffel Tower is actually just 2-feet high. The chunks are now an expected part of the experience; like wedgies while water skiing.

Speaking of fun things like wedgies and chunks, let’s play a silly game…shall we? 

If YOU were a chunk—no that’s not an accusation—which would you most likely be? Answer these (very technically sound and scientifically exact) questions and find out!

  1. 1: Which scenario would you rather find yourself in?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  2. 2: Choose a city
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  3. 3: What would the inside of your dream home look like?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  4. 4: You’d most likely be found spooning which flavour?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  5. 5: What’s your favourite imaginary pet?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!