Flavour Guru Eric Fredette: Angry Chef Performing Flavour Magic

April 1, 2015


Eric Fredette lives, breathes, dreams delicious food. Our Flavour Guru extraordinaire, otherwise known as “Angry Chef,” is a master at dreaming up mind-blowing edible creations. It comes from decades of culinary experience at work and at home. “I’ve never had a job that wasn’t related to food,” Eric notes.

Eric cooks up amazing ice cream creations all day at Ben & Jerry’s and frequently heads home to his early American farmhouse to cook for friends and neighbors, who know by now that Eric’s house is a guaranteed great meal. “It makes total sense to me to come home and keep doing what I love to do,” Eric says.

His connection to food runs deep, from his backyard flock of chickens that supply him with fresh eggs to his obsessive research of food trends, explorations of international restaurants, and constant experimentation with new ingredients. Eric is undoubtedly an expert, and that’s a delicious benefit for all of us. Eric’s passion has led to some breakthrough flavour creations like new Ben & Jerry’s Cores.

Check out his story:

Meet Our Flavor Guru Eric